
Summerwood Says Farewell To “Mama Rosie”

“I cannot remember a time in Deptford when Rosie was not part of the team she has been a staple for decades. Everyone knows her name. She will be missed by all!” – Kathy M

Everyone’s favorite “Mama Rosie” is retiring after 30 years with Summerwood Taco Bell! We recently celebrated Rosie’s retirement, and her 85th birthday, with her Deptford, NJ team. 

Rosie started working for Taco Bell in 1994. She was contemplating being a stay-at-home mom until she realized how fun her job at Taco Bell was.

“It’s all family here,” Rosie says about her team at the Deptford Taco Bell. “And that includes the customers.”

Rosie’s departure no doubt comes as bittersweet news for Deptford regulars, whose names, orders and passions, she knows by heart. 

It’s not a goodbye, it’s a, “See you later!” We’ll look forward to greeting you on the other side of the counter, Rosie!