
Change Brought Opportunity For Paul

After 21 years of working in the fast food world, Paul knows a thing or two about Taco Bell (including awesome menu hacks, like adding potatoes and onions to the steak quesadilla). But his knowledge goes beyond tacos – Paul is a training whiz and an excellent advocate for his people.

Paul has been part of the Summerwood family for about two years, and admits that it was initially “scary” to go through an acquisition. He worked with his previous organization for nearly two decades, and didn’t know much about Summerwood when they purchased the former company. Once Paul got to know Summerwood, he realized that, “Summerwood is a great company to work for.” Since the transition, Paul feels that he has had more opportunity to do what he really loves to do – mentor and lead others. 

“[Summerwood has] given me the opportunity to share my knowledge with other people, which is actually what I love to do.” -Paul, Area Training Manager, Summerwood.

As the Area Training Manager (ATM), Paul has had the opportunity to work with folks across 26 different stores. Several of these locations and individuals within these stores have greatly benefitted from Paul’s impact. He shares, “a lot of the stores that I’ve interacted with have seen improvement in overall numbers.”.

One of Paul’s favorite things about Summerwood is that they are always there for their people, just like he is for his team members. “[Summerwood is] going to listen to what you have to say and they’re willing to make adaptations to make a difference in your life and in your crews lives if you just open up,” says Paul. 

Paul says he is often asked why he has stayed in this industry so long. His response, “I work [fast food] to make a difference in people’s lives.” His track record of successes prove that he does just that. We are so lucky to have you, Paul, and cannot wait to continue to watch you shine!