
Restaurant Veteran Joins Summerwood in the Midst of Pandemic

Adam has worked in the restaurant industry for 24 years. He joined Summerwood after five years as an Area Director for a Greek quick service restaurant (QSR) chain down South. He says he held several “above store” leadership roles before moving to Pennsylvania in 2020 to get married.

Today, he’s one of our great Area Coaches, overseeing five Taco Bells in his relatively new home state. His was an unusual start to a Taco Bell career, being hired in the middle of a pandemic! Shortly after his hire, Adam transitioned to Summerwood employment as part of our 2021 acquisition of several stores in the Maryland and West Virginia areas.

The first year was a little different for mejoining a new company with the diner shut down in the heart of COVID,” Adam shares. Back then it was a different company; we were purchased by Summerwood in December of 2021. So my journey trying to get used to one company and then being purchased by another one. My first two years in Taco Bell were a little crazy.

What’s Not to Love Here?

But Adam is the kind of guy who thrives on a little stress and pressure in the workplace. He says it’s probably why he likes working in the industry so much.

The people in the store genuinely care about each other.” -Adam, Area Coach

I’ve ventured out in the past trying to do other things but I always get drawn back into it,” he says. He admits it was challenging joining a new company in the middle of a pandemic — in a new state — but he says he and his team members soon noticed all that Summerwood had to offer: a familylike atmosphere despite 190-plus locations, that mom and pop feel, leadership who genuinely care about everyone.

Within minutes of chatting with him, you can tell Adam is also the kind of leader who cares. He says “his people” are the prime motivators for why he does what he does. If he sees a manager struggling, he’s the first to jump in to “figure out the why,” whether it’s an obstacle in the way or a work environment in need of some attention.

Setting Up for Success is a Win-Win

“Our goal is yes, to run Taco Bells, but at the end of the day, it’s that our employees are able to take care of themselves and their families on top of that,” he explains. And having a healthy work environment … is key to what makes all that work.

“Always be tenacious, always be eager, always be hungry.” -Adam, Area Coach

What else does Adam have to say about cultivating a healthy workplace? He says the ideal is an upbeat environment with noticeable camaraderie amongst team members and a healthy blossoming of competition between restaurants.

“It’s really good to see,” he says. “It pushes people to do things they did not think personally they can do.”

What are you waiting for? Find your own sense of accomplishment today in a job at Taco Bell!